WELCOME TO MAMAN’S KITCHEN, where Persian-inspired recipes and stories are passed down from a Persian mother to her Aussie-raised daughter.
My name’s Mahsa and I’m the voice behind the blog. The recipes and stories behind them are inspired by my Maman (Mum). Maman likes to dance, Persian-style, when everyone is looking; to serve you fruit and tea the moment you walk through the front door, never taking “no” for an answer; and to “Persianise” everything, from mid-week spaghetti and fish ‘n’ chips, to Christmas lunch.
She throws a cracking dinner party, too. Growing up, I remember watching her impress family and friends with her effortless food prep, her fabulous dress sense, and her ability to remain the life of the party even with a couple of simmering pots vying for her attention. But hey, all of this was lost on me because I didn’t seem to inherit Maman’s foodie trait.
Don’t get me wrong, I like to eat good food, and I’m not too bad at whipping up a home cooked meal for one, or for two, as long as person number two doesn’t mind being the guinea pig du jour. But somehow, I had reached my late 20s without any practical knowledge about the family recipes (or the stories behind them) that shaped my life. And so, Maman’s Kitchen was born.
Each week, Mum and I get together to create one or two of her traditional recipes, which I then re-create in my own kitchen to make sure the recipes pass the “just-like-having-a-Persian-Mum-in-your-kitchen” test. We also muse on cultural and family traditions, life in Australia, and everyday dilemmas like “what should I eat?”.
Nooshe joon!
**The nitty gritty**
Who’s behind the recipes & posts?
All recipes and images posted on this site are created in the family kitchen, with all meals devoured the instant after the brag shot is taken. Mum creates the meals, and I look after styling and photography. The articles are written by me, and are based on conversations with, and events experienced by, our family.
Where do the recipes come from?
Most recipes are rooted in traditional Persian cooking. The recipes have been passed down to my mum from her mum, which were passed down from her mum, and so on. Occasionally we’ll make modifications or add a modern twist.
Can I share one of your recipes or images?
We spend a considerable amount of time and effort creating content for the blog and our posts and images are subject to copyright. If you wish to repost one of our articles, recipes or images, please get in touch with us to seek permission. In most cases, we won’t say no, but please ask first. If you simply draw inspiration from, or wish to modify, one of our recipe posts for your own blog, please be sure to acknowledge Maman’s Kitchen, linking back to our site.
How can we get in touch with you?
We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment on one of our posts, or email us directly. For contact information, see here.
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